Side 1
  1. Give Me Another Trojan Song   2:59
  2. What Did I Know   2:35
  3. Theme From Four-D   3:11
  4. Sweet Things To Come   2:11
  5. What About Tomorrow   4:23
Side 2
  1. She La La   3:01
  2. And I Love You   2:23
  3. Get Up   2:07
  4. There Was A Time   3:09
  5. Showdown   2:35

Release Date: Nov. 1974

Sweet Things To Come [Stereo] / Sweet Things To Come [Mono] (Promo - Single Fantasy 3/75) Give Me Another Trojan Song / Get Up (Bellaphon)

The Band:
  1. Tom Fogerty, vocals and rythmguitar
  2. Russell DaShiell, Tom Phillips, lead guitars
  3. Stephen Miller, keyboards
  4. Stu Cook, fender bass
  5. Doug Clifford, drums and percussion
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